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IN THIS SECTION, YOU WILL: Get an overview of several tools I’ve built and use in daily architectural work.


Architecture Dashboard Examples: source code of examples of how to build an Architecture Data Dashboard as a part of the Architectural Analytics. The dashboard is a simple static website generated from JSON files and published via GitHub pages.
Sokrates: Sokrates is a tool I built to implement my vision of documenting and analyzing software architectures of complex systems. Sokrates provides a pragmatic, inexpensive way to extract rich data from source code repositories. Sokrates can help you understand your code by making visible the size, complexity, and coupling of software and all people interactions and team topologies.
Productivity Tools: a collection of more than 100 online tools I built to help me in my daily work as an architect. I reuse these tools and lessons learned in building these tools when designing Architectural Analytics parts of the Grounded Architecture. I've created a curated collections and high-quality IT knowledge resources (articles, videos, podcasts).
Appendix 3: Pragmatic Knowledge Resources
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Appendix 4: Software Tools
Software Tools: Examples and Screenshots →