Image by Borko Manigoda from Pixabay

IN THIS SECTION, YOU WILL: Get an overview of guiding principles that generalize my view on what it means to be an architect in practice.

The role of an architect in the IT industry is multifaceted and crucial. It requires combining technical expertise, strategic thinking, and interpersonal skills to drive successful outcomes in complex organizational environments. In this part of the book, I offer a deep dive into various perspectives on what it means to be an architect in practice, providing a holistic understanding of the responsibilities and expectations associated with this role.

  • Architects as Superglue: In IT organizations, architects are the essential connectors, often referred to as “superglue.” Their primary function is integrating different aspects of the organization—architecture, technical details, business requirements, and team dynamics—ensuring that everything works together seamlessly. This role is vital in large organizations and complex projects where cohesion and coordination are paramount to success.
  • Skills: The skill set of an influential architect is diverse and comprehensive. It includes hard (technical) skills fundamental to understanding and designing complex systems. Soft (people and social) skills are crucial for effective communication, collaboration, and leadership. Business skills are also essential, enabling architects to align their technical strategies with organizational goals and drive business value.
  • Impact: The true measure of an architect’s success is their impact on the organization. Architects must demonstrate their ability to identify, tackle, and solve strategic problems. Their influence should be deep and broad, shaping the direction of projects and the organization. They are expected to deliver innovative solutions that address key challenges and opportunities, setting them apart as indispensable contributors.
  • Architects’ Career Paths: Raising the Bar: The ideal career path for architects is rooted in a strong engineering background. This foundation provides the technical proficiency necessary for advanced architectural roles. When hiring architects, it is crucial to continually raise the bar, ensuring that the team is composed of highly skilled and diverse individuals who can contribute unique perspectives and expertise.

By examining these perspectives, readers will understand the essential qualities and responsibilities of architects. This exploration highlights the importance of a well-rounded skill set and a strategic approach to significantly impacting an organization. Whether you are an aspiring architect or a seasoned professional, these insights will provide valuable guidance on navigating and excelling in this dynamic and evolving field.

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On Being Architect
Architects as Superglue →